Meet Our Instructors


Leslie Joseph

Leslie has danced with us as a child and then as an adult. She's been with us for over 30 years.


Her two girls, Holly and Ashley, are also talented members of Ed's School of Dance. They both started at age2 and have earned their way to Junior and Senior lines. Leslie has a great way with her children and all of our students.


Leslie has a BBA, RN, BSN and is a registered nurse at Children's Hospital. She also enjoys swimming in the pool, lake or on the beach!


Laura Fee

This will be her 20th year with Ed's School of dance. She is an excellent dancer and has danced in every recital. She has also taught dance for us for 12 years.


She is an Assistant Principal at Bryant Junior High School and has received her Doctoral degree. Laura is happily married to Justin Fee, a Network Engineer at Bryant School District. She has two kids, Brooklyn and Braxton, who both dance at the school.


Holly Joseph

Holly is the youngest member of our teaching staff. she is a senior at North Little Rock High School. She is a member of the NLR Dance Team and is one of our senior line dancers.